Cute pair of ceramic mama cats carrying their babies by the scruff of the neck. Excellent condition.
$20.00 OBO.
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Cute pair of ceramic mama cats carrying their babies by the scruff of the neck. Excellent condition.
$20.00 OBO.
This is a white porcelain, footed shaving mug with two diagonal spongy embossed 1 ½" stripes and pink and gold floral. It is marked on the bottom in gold 377 with a line through the 7s. Ithas an ornate squarish handle. In excellent condition with no chips or cracks.
$45.00 OBO.
It is in shades of blue. It measures 5 ½" long and 3 ¾" wide and has a leather piece so you could wear it or hang it on the wall. Perfect condition.
$7.00 OBO.
This is a heavy green pottery figural wall pocket with prickly stems and a pink and white bud. There is a dark blue bird with a long beak sitting on one stem. The pocket is 8” long, 5 ½" wide. There are no marks on the back. Beautiful piece in excellent condition!
$40.00 OBO.
This bird was originally made by the K.R. Haley Glass Company in the 1940s. L.E. Smith reproduced it after that. Not sure when this one was made. It is signed on the inside seam with an S. The bird is known as a thrush and is in very good condition except for a tiny chip on the seam above the beak.
$25.00 OBO.
This is a gorgeous piece of art glass measuring 4 ¾" tall. It is a smokey crystal with threading around it that looks like a snake. The top part is a deep ritz-blue with a splash of yellow that makes chartreuse. It has a turned-in top with a 1 ¼" round hole opening. 1 ½" from the threading end, there is a crack and, another 1” further down. The piece is still intact, and you cannot see the cracks, but you can feel them. The vase is signed on the bottom C. Reid. It is a lovely cabinet or shelf piece.
$35.00 OBO.
This Hull art 7-8 ½" vase was made between 1946-1947. It carried the round black Potter-at-Wheel label. It is also embossed on the bottom Hull Art U.S.A. 7 – 8 ½". The color is a gold to beige matte glaze with a yellow and pink magnolia and green leaf décor. It has double handles and the bottom two look like fringed tassels. In Excellent condition – no chips or cracks.
$115.00 OBO. EACH
Set includes 2 apples (red, green), pear, orange, banana, chili pepper, tomato, cucumber, corn, 1 bunch of grapes Great condition. $75.00 ...